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West Los Angeles Apartments

The developers of this project asked for a 94-unit condominium over two floors of parking in a historically Japanese neighborhood in West Los Angeles. To counter the impact a building of this size has — both inside of the building and upon the neighborhood — the building "snakes" back-and-forth on the site, introducing a number of different courtyards of various configurations — some of which can be viewed into from the street. The design of each unit was varied to optimize its relationship with the courtyard outside, while also helping to develop differentiation between units and a sense of individualized personality to each of the units. The ground floor is given over to live /work units which each has a sleeping loft, a front yard, and a direct entrance from the street. The diversity of units was seen as one of the major reasons the building sold out so quickly even after the economic downturn.

See additional photos and coverage at Curbed LA.

Photo Credit: Eric Staudenmaier

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